Navanita Harris: the body wisdom of children

#Eltern-Gedöns Episode #EG041

Navanita Harris on Body Wisdom and Children | Eltern-Gedöns Podcast with christopher end

Our body knows how to heal, says Navanita. But most of us have to learn to reconnect to this wisdom. Navanita teaches for over 40 years dance, meditation and speaking to the body. In this episode she talks about body intelligence, her live and how she survived an accident that nearly killed her – and how parents can support their children.

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The intelligence of the body

As a child Navanita discovered meditation during a sport exercise. She started searching for more and found meditation in nature and dance. For more than 40 years she teaches a way to connect to your body beyond exercises. Instead of following instructions and movement someone else is showing you learn to listen to the movements your own body wants to do.

The accident

When Navanita was in India one day she went on a bus – although she had a strange feeling. Her body was telling her not to sit directly behind the driver. So she choosed a seat in the back of the bus. That saved her live …

You probably never walk again

„You probably never walk again“ was one of the first diagnosis Navanita got after her accident. But she proved the doctor wrong. She did walk, she even danced.

What you learn in this episode

  • How Navanita learned to talk to her body (1:40)
  • How she survived the bus accident in India (5:55)
  • What children needs to know about her body (21:40)
  • What can parents do to support their children? (27:13)
  • How jumping on the bed helped one mother to improve the relationship to her child (40:35)

Connect with Navanita Harris

All information on Navanita and her program you find on her website Besides the seminars and classes there are articles on body wisdom and much more. You also might want to follow Navanita on Facebook. Navanita created two guided meditations on CD and one DVD with Yoga strechting. I highly recommend at least to check out the Happy Cell CD, which is one of my favorite guided meditations.



Der Kreis der Väter

Der Spagat zwischen Familie und Beruf verlangt auch Männern einiges ab. Doch wie kann es anders gehen? Dazu fehlt es häufig an Vorbildern und ehrlichem Austausch. Denn wer gibt als Vater schon gerne zu, dass er mit dem Familienleben überfordert ist? Im Kreis der Väter begleiten wir, Christoph Kraus und ich, eine feste Gruppe Väter ein halbes Jahr lang. An sechs Abendseminaren geht es um Fragen wie: Wodurch wird mein Vatersein gespeist, was davon tut mir und meiner Familie gut und was ist eher störend? Und vor allem: Wie kann es anders gehen?

Du willst beim nächsten Kreis der Väter dabei sein? Hier findest du alle Infos, Videos und Audios mit Christoph und mir, und die Online-Anmeldung.

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